Quest:Addressing the Discontent

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Addressing the Discontent
Level 115
Type Solo
Starts with Gaumar
Starts at Dale: The Great-keep
Start Region Eryn Lasgalen
Map Ref [25.1N, 25.1W]
Quest Group The Dale-lands
Quest Chain Refugees in Dale
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'In market stalls and street corners, some few murmur against the dispossessed from Rhûn, and their talk clouds the minds of others.

'If you, a hero of the war and a symbol of goodness, would address those malcontents, it would change many minds among the folk of Dale.'


A small number of Dale-folk are speaking out loud against the Easterling refugees and clouding the minds of many others.

Objective 1

  • Talk to discontented Dale-folk (0/8)

You should publically deter discontented Dale folk who are speaking against the refugees.

Gaumar: 'Every discontented rabble-rouser you dissuade in Dale will keep a dozen others from turning against the refugees.'
Discontented Dale-man/woman says 'Don't trust their rags. These new Easterlings are Jangovar in disguise!'
'Jangovar invaders yesterday, Easterling begging meals today? Enough!
'Now is not the time for Dale to feed and shelter the needy!'
Scolding ...
Talked to Dale-folk (8/8)

Objective 2

You should return to Gaumar, who stands within the Great-keep in Dale.

Gaumar: 'Do not doubt it, <name>: you have changed many minds in Dale today.'